a collection of portraits created for different magazines
a collection of portraits created for different magazines
( click on image to enlarge )
portrait of Konrad Lorenz for a review of the novel "Kaltenburg" by Marcel Beyer, Lorenz was an Austrian zoologist, ethologist, and ornithologist, founders of modern ethology, the study of animal behaviour (more details here)
George Washington : silver-plates
in the USA the first coins were made out of George Washingtons silver-plates
Karl Baedeker : ERBSENZÄHLER
counting peas: A famous anecdote illustrates Baedeker’s exacting methods: In 1847, Baedeker was in Milan to research the cathedral. No trip to this site is complete without a climb to the cathedral roof for the rare and spectacular close-up view it affords of the decorative carvings high above the city. As Baedeker ascended the steep stairs to the roof, he was seen to pull something from his pant pocket and drop it every few steps. In fact, the scrupulous fact-checker was placing a pea at 20-step intervals to ensure the precision of his count. On his way back down, Baedeker collected the peas to cross check his figures and thus assure his readers ¾ with consummate accuracy ¾ of the exertions required to reach the top.
Rosa Parks : Bus Boycott
portrait of Rosa Parks, an activist in the civil rights movement best known for her pivotal role in the Bus Boycott
MARIA CALLAS : tapeworm-diet
portrait of opera singer Maria Callas who was reported to have eaten the tapeworms to lose weight
Donald Duck : coin flip
portrait of Donald Duck who created the philosphy of "flipism" and made all decisions by fliping a coin
Thomas Robert Malthus : population growth
to stop a growing population T. Malthus suggested the return of the black death, that's why he demanded to quit personal hygiene
portrait of Dutch businessmen
portrait of a buried woman
for the article "fear of being buried alive"
portrait of a YEDI FAMILY